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Customizing Reciprocal Net site software



The instructions in this section and the next few sections apply only to new Reciprocal Net sites.  Administrators of existing Reciprocal Net sites should skip ahead to the section titled Restoring data from a backup of an existing site.

Locate the recipnet.sitegrant file you obtained earlier from the Reciprocal Net Coordinator and copy it to the directory named /etc/recipnet/ on your server.  This file contains your site’s private encryption key and needs to be protected from prying eyes. 

From the GNOME desktop, double-click on the Computer icon, then double-click on the Filesystem icon to access the file system.  Navigate to the /etc/recipnet/ folder on your computer.  Find the file named recipnet.sitegrant, right-click it, and choose Properties from the popup menu.  In the window that opens, click the Permissions tab.  In the Owner section, verify that the owner is root and the corresponding access is Read and write.  In the Group section, select recipnet and set the corresponding access to
Read-only.  In the Others section, set the access to None.  Click the Close button.

There are six configuration files in the /etc/recipnet directory that control how different components of the Reciprocal Net site software operate.  Many system administrators choose to modify these configuration files in order to optimize performance, customize logging, or add a visual brand to their site.  At minimum, you should peruse the file named recipnetd.conf to verify that the default settings for the recipnetd daemon are appropriate for your system.  See page 51 for a detailed reference on recipnetd.conf .  Or, there is a place to display your organization’s logo – see page 42 for more about the file named sitesponsor.gif

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