1. Tetrahedral (CCl4) |
Does the molecule contain the indicated symmetry element? |
Axis |
Yes/ No |
C2 : |
C3: |
C4: |
C5: |
C6: |
2. Bromochlorofluoromethane CHBrClF |
Does the molecule contain the indicated symmetry element? |
Axis |
Yes/ No |
C2: |
C3 : |
C4: |
C5 : |
C6 : |
3. Benzene |
Axis |
How many? |
Check the indicated symmetry elements Benzene has.
To say "2C2, 4C3 and 5C4", type "2,4,5". Don't forget the commas and no quotation marks. Start from the lowest axis.
4. Ethane staggered |
Axis |
If yes, how many? |
Check the indicated symmetry elements Ethane staggered has.
To say "2C2, 4C3 and 5C6", then type "2,4,5". Don't forget the commas and no quotation marks. Start from the lowest axis.