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Nitrogen dioxide

Nitrogen Dioxide is formed when fuel burns at a high temperature.

Chemical Formula: NO2
Layman's explanation: Nitrogen dioxide is a brown gas that readily dimerizes at lower temperatures to form the colorless gas dinitrogen trioxide. It is a byproduct of combustion that pollutes air and its gives smog its characteristic brown color. When gasoline, diesel fuel, or coal is burned at high temperatures nitric oxide (NO) is formed. Nitric oxide reacts slowly with oxygen to form nitrogen dioxide, or it can react with many organic-oxygen containing radicals (e.g., alkoxy and peroxy radicals) found in the atmosphere (also products of combustion) to more rapidly form NO2. The photolysis of NO2 by sunlight is the only known source of ozone to the troposphere (the layer of atmosphere closest to the earth); ozone is one of the most toxic components of smog and adversely affects human, animal and plant health in densely populated polluted regions.
Keywords: Air Pollution, Smog

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