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Hexachlorobenzene - Reciprocal Net Common Molecule Log in
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HCB is a persistent organic pollutant.

Chemical Formula: C6Cl6
Other names: Hexachlorobenzene
Layman's explanation: Hexachlorbenzene (HCB) was used as a fungicide on seed stock in agriculture. It also was used in the production of synthetic rubber, ammunition, and fireworks. Like all persistent organic pollutants (POP’s) or “poisons without passports,” HCB persists in the environment and contaminates food webs. It undergoes global transport from temperate or tropical regions to remote, polar regions, where it is deposited. HCB is stored in the body fat of humans and wildlife. It bioaccumulates, i.e. it is found at higher concentrations further up the food chain. Today it is mainly an unintentional by-product in the manufacture of many chlorinated compounds, e.g., lower chlorinated benzenes, various pesticides and solvents. It is emitted to the atmosphere in flue gases generated by metallurgical industries and waste incineration.

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