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Common molecules sample 50035 - Reciprocal Net Log in
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Empirical formula: C14H9Cl5
a: 9.963 Å
b: 19.200 Å
c: 7.887 Å
α (alpha): 90.00 °
β (beta): 90.00 °
γ (gamma): 90.00 °
Volume: 1508.70 Å3
Space group: PCA21
Calculated density: 1.561 g/cm3
Z: 4
Formula weight: 354.489 g/mole
R(F): 0.0910
Trade name: DDT
Keyword: Insecticide
Keyword: Pesticide
Keyword: malaria
Keyword: Yellow Fever
Keyword: WWI
CSD refcode: CPTCET10
Short description: DDT or 1,1-bis(p-Chlorophenyl)-2,2,2-trichloroethane was a popular insecticide commonly used in the 1940s through to the 1970s.
Citation of a publication: Reference: J.Chem.Soc.,Perkin Trans.2, , 2148,1972 Authors: T.P. DeLacy, C.H.L. Kennard
IUPAC name: 1,1-bis(p-Chlorophenyl)-2,2,2-trichloroethane
Layman's explanation: DDT was initially introduced into the environment as a pesticide for crops. Later on it was also used as an excellent and fairly inexpensive deterrent of mosquitoes, to control the spread of malaria all over the world. Although the inclusion of DDT into the environment saved millions of lives, it was found to be harmful to worms, fish, and predatory birds. Moreover, this chemical is not biodegradable and persists in the environment for many years. Due to its damaging effects, DDT's use was banned in the United States.
Lab name: Common molecules
Sample provider: Contributed by Indiana University
Status: Complete, visible to public
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