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Empirical formula: PH3
a: 15.065 Å
b: 15.065 Å
c: 14.614 Å
α (alpha): 90.00 °
β (beta): 90.00 °
γ (gamma): 120.00 °
Volume: 2872.35 Å3
Space group: P-3
Calculated density: 2.889 g/cm3
Z: 147
Formula weight: 33.998 g/mole
R(F): 0.0189
Summary: Refined from original strucutre JICWUN
Structural formula: PH3
Common name: Phosphine
CAS registry number: 7803-51-2
Keyword: insecticide
Keyword: fumigation
Keyword: swamp
Short description: Phosphine is an air pollutant and a natural product of swamps and sewers.
CSD refcode: JICWUN
Layman's explanation: Phosphine, also known as phosphane, hydrogen phosphide, or phosphorus hydride, is a toxic gas for insects (and humans) and has an odor of decaying fish. Phosphine is an air pollutant and a natural product of swamps and sewers. It is used as a grain fumigant and as an insecticide for fumigation of animal feed, leaf stored tobacco, box cars, and for rodent control. Phosphine is also widely employed as an industrial gas in silicon chip manufacture, in explosives, friction matches, fireworks, toothpaste, and detergents.
Determination procedure: Obtained courtesy of the Cambridge Structural Database
Citation of a publication: D.C. Bradley, M.B. Hursthouse, M. Motevalli, Zheng Dao-Hong; Chem. Commun., (1991) 7.
Lab name: Common molecules
Sample provider: Contributed by Indiana University
Status: Complete, visible to public
Repository Files:
50162.cif 50162.crt 50162.gif 50162.ort 50162.pdb

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