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Empirical formula: CCl4
a: 9.079 Å
b: 5.764 Å
c: 9.201 Å
α (alpha): 90.00 °
β (beta): 104.29 °
γ (gamma): 90.00 °
Volume: 466.60 Å3
Calculated density: 7.664 g/cm3
Z: 14
Formula weight: 153.822 g/mole
R(F): 0.0690
Common name: Carbon tetrachloride
Short description: Carbon tetrachlooride (CCl4), also called tetrachloromethane, is a simple organic halogen compound.
Keyword: carcinogen
Keyword: fumigant
CSD refcode: CARBTC
Layman's explanation: Carbon tetrachloride was first prepared in 1839. It was discovered by German-born French scientist Henri Victor Regnault during his work with ether/chlorine reactions. Carbon tetrachloride is a clear, heavy, poisonous, nonflammable liquid with a strong ethereal odor. It is also fairly common as a colorless gas. Carbon tetrachloride is used for dry cleaning, degreasing metals, fumigating, manufacturing refrigerants and aerosol propellants, and is also used in fire extinguishers. CCl4 is a possible carcinogen; inhalation or ingestion can cause damage to the brain, liver, kidneys, and can even cause death. CCl4 also contributes to ozone layer depletion.
Citation of a publication: G.J. Piermarini, A.B. Braun; J.Chem.Phys.,58,(1973),1973
Miscellaneous comments: At high pressure.
Miscellaneous comments: Obtained courtest of the Cambridge Structural Database
Lab name: Common molecules
Sample provider: Contributed by Indiana University
Status: Complete, visible to public
Repository Files:
50635.cif 50635.crt 50635.GIF 50635.ort 50635.pdb

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