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Empirical formula: C6H6
a: 7.440 Å
b: 9.550 Å
c: 6.920 Å
α (alpha): 90.00 °
β (beta): 90.00 °
γ (gamma): 90.00 °
Volume: 491.68 Å3
Formula weight: 78.114 g/mole
R(F): 0.0590
Short description: Benzene is an air-borne hydrocarbon that is produced by burning natural products.
Keyword: Carcinogen
Keyword: Plastics
Common name: Benzene
Keyword: Explosives
Keyword: Pesticides
Layman's explanation: Benzene is a clear and colorless liquid that is highly aromatic. It is used to make polymers such as rubber, in which there are many, and synthetic fabrics, such as nylon and polyester. It can be derived from natural products such as coal and petroleum. This chemical is believed to be a carcinogen that overtime may cause blood related problems such as leukemia. Short-term exposure to high-levels of benzene can cause drowsiness, dizziness, and even death. Smaller amounts of benzene are used to make some types of rubbers, lubricants, dyes, detergents, drugs, explosives and pesticides.
Miscellaneous comments: Obtained courtesy of the Cambridge Structural Database
Citation of a publication: G. E. Bacon, N. A. Curry, S. A. Wilson; Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A, 279, (1964), 98
Lab name: Common molecules
Sample provider: Contributed by Indiana University
Status: Complete, visible to public
Repository Files:
50522.cif 50522.crt 50522.gif 50522.GIF 50522.ort
50522.pdb 50522.sdt 50522.xtel

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