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Empirical formula: KNO3
a: 5.255 Å
b: 8.783 Å
c: 5.854 Å
α (alpha): 90.00 °
β (beta): 90.00 °
γ (gamma): 90.00 °
Volume: 270.19 Å3
Space group: Pmcn
Calculated density: 2.485 g/cm3
Z: 4
Formula weight: 101.103 g/mole
Structural formula: K(NO3)
Common name: Niter
ICSD collection code: 71397
Short description: Niter has several uses, from a fertilizer to a reverse aphrodisiac.
Keyword: soluble
Keyword: flame test
Keyword: saltpeter
IUPAC name: Potassium nitrate -alpha
Layman's explanation: Niter is a large white or grey encrusting mineral found on the surfaces and floors of caves, in arid desert regions. It is very soluble in water and gives a violet flame in a flame test. During the War of 1812, niter, also known as saltpeter, was mined for gunpowder manufacturing. Today it is used as a fertilizer, a mineral specimen, and is sometimes used as a reverse aphrodisiac to reduce sexual desire in men.
Citation of a publication: Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter,44 (1991)p7215-7224; Lu,H.M. Hardy, J.R.
Lab name: Common molecules
Sample provider: Contributed by Indiana University
Status: Complete, visible to public
Repository Files:
50852.CIF 50852.crt 50852.gif 50852.ort 50852.pdb

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