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Empirical formula: C6HCl5O
a: 29.110 Å
b: 4.930 Å
c: 12.090 Å
α (alpha): 90.00 °
β (beta): 93.63 °
γ (gamma): 90.00 °
Volume: 1731.58 Å3
Space group: C2/c
Calculated density: 2.043 g/cm3
Z: 8
Temperature: 22.0 °C
Formula weight: 266.337 g/mole
R(F): 0.1400
Common name: Pentachlorophenol
Trade name: Durotox
CSD refcode: PCPHOL
Short description: PCP is a white crystalline powder that is soluble in water or alcohol.
Keyword: angel dust
Keyword: hallucinogen
Keyword: addictive
Layman's explanation: PCP was introduced in 1958 as a clinical, intravenous anesthesia in humans. It was discontinued for human use in 1965 due to its addictive and agitation-inducing effects, but later released for use as a veterinary anesthetic. It exerts its pharmacological action via inhibition of NMDA receptors and produces a dissociated state. One can develop psychological dependence on the drug and experience tip episodes, psychosis, and possible death. This drug is no longer in use legally in the United States.
IUPAC name: 1-Hydroxy-2,3,4,5,6-pentachlorobenzene
Citation of a publication: T.Sakurai; Acta Crystallogr.,15, (1962), 1164
Lab name: Common molecules
Sample provider: Obtained courtesy of the Cambridge Structural Database
Status: Complete, visible to public
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